Amplify your art’s reach, deepen your relationship with your audience, and document your art journey with
Mini Art Videos.

Amplify your art’s reach, deepen your relationship with your audience, and document your art journey with
Mini Art Videos.

Amplify your art’s reach, deepen your relationship with your audience, and document your art journey with
Mini Art Videos.

Get the step-by-step training you need to confidently record, edit, and share mini art videos that showcase your art ― without losing your creative flow.

Get the step-by-step training you need to confidently record, edit, and share mini art videos that showcase your art ― without losing your creative flow.

Mini Art Videos are one of the easiest ways to showcase your art, connect deeply with your audience, and boost your sales.

Mini Art Videos are one of the easiest ways to showcase your art, connect deeply with your audience, and boost your sales.

Mini Art Videos are one of the easiest ways to showcase your art, connect deeply with your audience, and boost your sales.

Unlike full length art videos that can be time-consuming to make and can pull you away from your art ― “mini” art videos are short, 10-60 second vertical videos that:

Unlike full length art videos that can be time-consuming to make and can pull you away from your art ― “mini” art videos are short, 10-60 second vertical videos that:

Are simple to make and don’t require fancy tech

(Really! All you need to start is the smartphone in your pocket)

Share valuable glimpses into your world as an artist

(By giving your audience a candid look at the story behind your art, and the heart and soul behind each piece)

Fit seamlessly into your creative process

(Because you can just hit record and capture your art as it naturally unfolds)

Act as a simple entry point for the right audiences to discover your work

(AKA collectors, curators, and art-lovers who are ready to invest)

Can easily be shared on your favorite social platform

(Like Instagram Reels, TikToks, YouTube Shorts!)

Cultivates a connection that leaves your audience wanting more

(Which naturally leads to more followers, subscribers, and art flying off your shelves!)

But even though you’re intrigued by the idea of "mini" art videos ―

But even though you’re intrigued by the idea of "mini" art videos ―

The thought of pulling out your camera is enough to flood you with questions and self-doubt

The thought of pulling out your camera is enough to flood you with questions and self-doubt

The thought of pulling out your camera is enough to flood you with questions and self-doubt

You can’t help overthinking every part of the process ― from figuring out *what* to film, what to say, and how to make your space look like a professional studio instead of a creative explosion.

The moment you hit record, you feel super self-conscious in front of the camera ― and all you can think about is “Is my hair ok?” and “Is this the right angle?”

You want your videos to portray you as the professional artist you are ― but right now?

Everything you record looks amateurish, and there’s absolutely no way you’re putting out a less-than-perfect video on the internet.

Plus, you really don’t have time to scan the internet and watch hours of videos to figure out what buttons to press.

And the thought of diverting precious time *away* from your art to create videos that may not get the attention it deserves feels as appealing as painting with oven mitts on.

If only you had a guide who could turn the process of making mini art videos from a daunting task into something quick, enjoyable, and a natural extension of your art-making…

Hi, I’m Zach Wolfson 👋

Hi, I’m Zach Wolfson 👋

Hi, I’m Zach Wolfson 👋

Professional filmmaker, Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast, and your dedicated guide when it comes to all things art videos!

My journey with mini art videos began quite by accident. 

Back in 2009, I started making a documentary video series called Beyond the Gallery to celebrate creativity and the amazing humans behind the art.

(It was even nominated for Best Documentary Web Series by the International Academy of Web Television!)

But the truly exciting part came after that. 

While filming season 2, I turned the leftover footage into insightful short “extras” to draw my audience deeper into the lives of the artists we featured. 

It didn’t take a ton of extra effort to make…

But I saw how they left a profound impact on the audience. 

Rather than observing a static piece of artwork, the audience got to see a glimpse into the artist’s world ― from the details and techniques that shaped each piece, all the way to a peek inside the artist’s studio.

The audience got to connect with the human behind the art and it left them wanting more.

The audience got to connect with the human behind the art and it left them wanting more.

After seeing the power of these short, valuable videos, it got me thinking: 

Why not teach artists a simple, no-fuss way to create their own short videos

Videos that not only showcase their art but attract more of the right audience to connect with their story and invest in their work?

From there, Mini Art Videos was born! 

8 years on, I’ve guided hundreds of artists to learn a simple way to make their own mini art videos using just their smartphones.

And now I’ve made it my mission to help you confidently record your artwork and document your art journey so more of the right audience can connect with YOU.

And now I’ve made it my mission to help you confidently record your artwork and document your art journey so more of the right audience can connect with YOU.

Because here's the thing…

Your art is incredible. 

But the stories, the emotions, the passion behind each piece? 

That's what makes you unique. 

And it's high time the world sees you as the ambitious artist you are!


Making Mini Art Videos Workshop

The hands-on training and streamlined resources you need to confidently record, edit, and share mini art videos that showcase your art ― without losing your creative flow.

Get ready to go from idea to upload in under 1 hour!

"As a teaching artist, I record every week. Zach's methods have increased my efficiency and confidence creating engaging videos for my collectors and students."

"As a teaching artist, I record every week. Zach's methods have increased my efficiency and confidence creating engaging videos for my collectors and students."

Sandra Mucha

Sandra Mucha

Artist, Surface Designer, Educator

Artist, Surface Designer, Educator

Consider this your all-in-one starter kit for making mini art videos that showcase your art and invite your audience on your art journey in a way that feels natural to you.

Consider this your all-in-one starter kit for making mini art videos that showcase your art and invite your audience on your art journey in a way that feels natural to you.

Consider this your all-in-one starter kit for making mini art videos that showcase your art and invite your audience on your art journey in a way that feels natural to you.

Say goodbye to frustrating set-ups, constant second-guessing, and wasting hours learning new tech!

Inside, you’ll find:

ALL the steps you need broken down into bite-size trainings so you can learn without the overwhelm…

Super simple tech tutorials so you can focus more on making your art and less on figuring out what buttons to press…

And answers to frequently asked questions from other artists so you can bypass common pitfalls… 

All so you can make mini art videos that ―

Share glimpses into your world as an artist ― so you can invite your audience in and show them the inspiration, process, and emotions behind every artwork you make.

Share glimpses into your world as an artist ― so you can invite your audience in and show them the inspiration, process, and emotions behind every artwork you make.

Share glimpses into your world as an artist ― so you can invite your audience in and show them the inspiration, process, and emotions behind every artwork you make.

Attract the right audience of art-lovers and collectors ― who feel the pull to explore, engage, and invest in your art.

Attract the right audience of art-lovers and collectors ― who feel the pull to explore, engage, and invest in your art.

Attract the right audience of art-lovers and collectors ― who feel the pull to explore, engage, and invest in your art.

Amplify your reach  ― so you go from “just some artist” to a recognized, ambitious artist people want to follow, learn, and buy from.

Amplify your reach  ― so you go from “just some artist” to a recognized, ambitious artist people want to follow, learn, and buy from.

Amplify your reach  ― so you go from “just some artist” to a recognized, ambitious artist people want to follow, learn, and buy from.

By the end of this workshop, you will have —

By the end of this workshop, you will have —

Made at least 1 x Mini Art Video you’re proud to share.

A super simple video set-up & workflow that’ll take you from idea to upload in under 1 hour.

Said goodbye to the fear of video for good.

A new way of marketing your artwork that resonates deeply with your audience.

"My confidence in videoing my art has increased with time and experience doing it and the workshop helped me take the first step. Now my art is my full-time job!

Beforehand, my biggest challenge was low confidence in my ability to film something that was high enough quality to post. I really dragged my feet with video content—something that eventually put my art business on the map—because I didn’t even know where to begin. 

The workshop simplified some things I was overthinking. All of the questions I had have really straightforward solutions. I also loved Zach’s focus on filming a finished piece more so than just a sped-up process video that underemphasizes how much time and effort go into a piece. 

The workshop really helped to give concrete examples of some shots to take. Zach’s informal & accessible approach to this is SO helpful! Hearing Zach’s voice in my head reminding me to stop and film and then taking a few quick shots of my current work.”

Michelle Butler

Michelle Butler

Clay Artist

Clay Artist

"Making Mini Art Videos has become like second nature now!

Zach made me feel like I was on the right track with my mini art videos. 

The workshop was set up really well and has very simple, step by step instructions that were easy to follow. 

I liked that you didn't have to go out and buy all this equipment. You can just start off with your phone and he would  just give you easy tips on how to make the process better ― like where do I find the right music. I never felt 'oh I'm not gonna be able to do that.' 

He made it easy, doable, and I was like oh I can do this!

Since taking the workshop, I'm easily able to put multiple little videos together to make one video. I'm more comfortable in the studio and making videos has almost become like second nature now!"

Sally-Ann Davies

Sally-Ann Davies



The minute you join the Making Mini Art Videos workshop, you get…

The minute you join the Making Mini Art Videos workshop, you get…

The minute you join the Making Mini Art Videos workshop, you get…

6 value-packed video trainings that break down:

6 value-packed video trainings that break down:


The 2 types of Mini Art Videos to start with even if you’ve never made a “professional” video before


The key questions to ask to make mini art videos in a way that aligns with your goals and values


How to seamlessly blend video-making into your weekly art practice so you can stay in your creative flow


My super simple video setup so you can make mini art videos in minutes, not hours


The exact workflow to follow when making mini art videos so you’re never left wondering “what’s next?”


How to edit your video clips in just two steps ― using an app that’s already built into your smartphone!


My top tips to optimize the filming and editing process so your videos look crisp and professional


How to share your mini art video (across multiple platforms!) and start cultivating a relationship with your audience

Each training is bite-sized, easily digestible, and ready to implement in under an hour

Each training is bite-sized, easily digestible, and ready to implement in under an hour

They even come with keyword searchable transcripts ― meaning you can jump to a specific topic or question and get an immediate answer.

The result?

You’ll be rolling out your first mini art video and showcasing your art before your paint even dries

You’ll be rolling out your first mini art video and showcasing your art before your paint even dries

You’ll be rolling out your first mini art video and showcasing your art before your paint even dries

Just like these artists ⬇️

Ready to share more of your art with the right audience?

Start making Mini Art Videos today!

"Zach is a professional and caring video champion who is trustworthy.

Beforehand, I struggled with lack of confidence when it came to videos.

After the workshop, I realized that video making doesn’t have to be complicated and people do want to see the finished art and/or art process. I also appreciated the tech tools.

I am starting to realize that pairing video with still photography is more powerful than just photos alone. For that reason, it is important to add it to the flow of what it takes to create a piece of art."

Beth Cole, Artist
Beth Cole, Artist

Beth Cole

Beth Cole



"It changed my perception of not taking everything seriously and to let go.

I joined because I just needed a formula and a system I'm able to do over and over again.

My main challenge was thinking that I needed a new camera or new phone to capture my art process. But the workshop changed my perception of not taking everything seriously and to let go. 

The workshop was straightforward and to the point. Now my videos look like TikTok art videos."

Beth Cole, Artist
Beth Cole, Artist

Josepha Yague

Josepha Yague

Multidisciplinary Artist

Multidisciplinary Artist

"But Zach, what if I'm not tech savvy at all?"

"But Zach, what if I'm not tech savvy at all?"

"But Zach, what if I'm not tech savvy at all?"

You don’t have to be! You'll get instant access to 4 bonuses designed to minimize the tech hassle and streamline your process.

You don’t have to be! You'll get instant access to 4 bonuses designed to minimize the tech hassle and streamline your process.


Mini Art Video Gear Kit (Value $37)
The only thing you need to start making mini art videos is your smartphone. But once you’re ready to take it to the next level ― you can swipe my favorite, simple video tools to make the art video process easier, faster, and less frustrating!


Simple Video Editing Walkthrough (Value $37)
Peek over my shoulder and follow my super simple, step-by-step method for editing mini art videos, fast. Including how to increase the visual appeal of your mini art videos!


Mini Art Videos Reference Kit (Value $37)
A curated collection of mini art videos in the wild! These examples are designed to spark ideas and inspiration on how you can make even more engaging videos your audience will love.


Q&A Recordings with Zach (Value $37)
Get instant answers to dozens of frequently asked questions by artists so you can skip over common pitfalls and continue showcasing your artwork!

Ready to start making Mini Art Videos?

If you’ve ever felt called to share more of your art with the right audience, without wasting precious hours ― then the Making Mini Art Videos workshop is tailor-made for YOU.

If you’ve ever felt called to share more of your art with the right audience, without wasting precious hours ― then the Making Mini Art Videos workshop is tailor-made for YOU.

If you’ve ever felt called to share more of your art with the right audience, without wasting precious hours ― then the Making Mini Art Videos workshop is tailor-made for YOU.

This is NOT another distraction that’ll sidetrack you from your artwork. 

Here, your art is the priority. 

And everything I teach inside is intentionally designed to make your first mini art video in a way that’s quick, easy, and in service of your art. 

What’s more?

This workshop is perfect for you EVEN IF:

This workshop is perfect for you EVEN IF:

You don’t want to invest in any new equipment.

You’ll learn the simplest way to film AND edit using the smartphone in your pocket so you don’t have to spend hours or dollars on new gear (unless you really, really, want to).

You don’t want to become a content creator.

You don’t have to be a trend-chasing, dancing artist to successfully use mini art videos to market your artwork. This is about creating timeless videos that continue documenting your journey and sharing the WHY behind your artwork long after the trends fade.

You don’t want to learn the ins and outs of  *another* social media platform.

This isn’t about mastering the rules of a particular platform or hacking the algorithm. Rather, I’m showing you how you can start using mini art videos to market your artwork and cultivate relationships with your audience across platforms you’re already on ― from your socials to your website to your email newsletter. AND how to do it in a way that feels natural to you.

This workshop has helped over 100 artists make their very first mini art videos!

This workshop has helped over 100 artists make their very first mini art videos!

This workshop has helped over 100 artists make their very first mini art videos!

I’m confident it will give YOU exactly what you need to make mini art videos you can use to market your artwork and attract the right audience to your world. 

But if it doesn’t meet your expectations, let me introduce you to:

My Artist-Approved 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the workshop within 14 days, let me know and I’ll offer you a full refund!

"It was much, much better than other courses I've taken!

I used to struggle with lack of confidence and skills when it came to art videos. But thanks to the workshop, I now have more confidence and knowing its within my capabilities! 

I wanted to make sure the workshop was worth my time ― simple and easy to follow along. And it was much, much better than other courses I’ve taken! 

I found the support and encouragement most helpful. And making mini art videos now feels straightforward and uncomplicated."

Susan Purney Mark

Susan Purney Mark

Contemporary Textile Artist

Contemporary Textile Artist

Still wondering whether Mini Art Videos are worth your time and effort?

Still wondering whether Mini Art Videos are worth your time and effort?

Still wondering whether Mini Art Videos are worth your time and effort?

Imagine drawing your audience into your world with a behind the scenes look at your artwork, where they can immerse themselves in the story, process, and emotions that shape your works. 

As they watch more of your videos, they start to learn more about you and your passion…. 

And soon, you’re not just any artist…

You’re the artist they recognize, feel a connection with, and whose journey they want to follow! 

That's the power of Mini Art Videos. 

They offer a unique, intimate look into your world that can turn passing viewers into devoted fans. 

But it doesn’t stop there. 

By recording and documenting your art journey, your videos can become a lasting legacy ― something you, your family, and your fans can look back on to see just how you’ve come. 

The best part? 

Making engaging Mini Art Videos that resonate with the right audience doesn’t have to be complicated, overwhelming, or distract you from your art. 

I’m going to show you the simplest, low-tech way for you to make mini art videos with the smartphone you have so you can start recording today! 

Because the sooner you start, the sooner you can:

Start marketing your artwork.

Be seen as an ambitious, sought-after artist.

Amplify your reach and connect deeply with the right audience of art-lovers and collectors who want to invest in you.

If that’s what you’ve been waiting for, you’re in the right place!

Join the Making Mini Art Videos workshop today!

You may be wondering…

You may be wondering…

What equipment do I need?

Will this help me create Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and/or TikTok videos?

I’ve already made “mini” art videos before…is this still for me?

What if I have another question?

Ready to Record. An Infusion5 project.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Infusion5 Ltd.

Ready to Record. An Infusion5 project.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Infusion5 Ltd.